Essential React

Content 1/3

  • Virtual DOM
  • i18n / Internationalization
  • Virtualization
  • Code-Splitting
  • Further React Hooks
  • Mock Service Worker (MSW)

Content 2/3

  • Next.js
  • Refs
  • browserslist
  • Prettier
  • ESLint configuration
  • Class Components
  • Error Boundaries

Content 3/3

  • Advanced Animation
  • Concurrent Features
  • React Server Components

Virtual DOM


Replacing and rendering the whole real DOM is costly!

Virtual DOM is a representation of the actual DOM

Its purpose is to identify which parts of the real DOM need to be changed upon changes, by comparing the new virtual DOM result against the previous one.

The delta then gets applied on the real DOM.
E.g. only one element gets updated within a long list instead of the whole list.

i18n / Internationalization


FormatJS (aka React-Intl)

FormatJS (aka React-Intl)

FormatJS (aka React-Intl) - Support

  • Singular, plural, zero, one, many translation forms
  • Number / date formatting
  • Hard-coded Keys as well as autogenerated ones
  • Pre-compilation for run-time performance
  • Built in as well as custom formatters for different translation tools
  • Stores keys and translated terms in JSON-Files


  • Technique to render only elements that are currently visible
  • Reduces workload of the browser



Use virtualization as a "last resort", usually there are other places which are easier to fix.


React Lazy / Suspense

Further React Hooks

  • useMemo
  • useCallback
  • useLayoutEffect
  • useDeferredValue
  • useTransition

Mock Service Worker (MSW)

It is the closest thing to a mocking server without having to create one.
Mock Service Worker Docs

How it works in the browser


How it works in Node

The node-request-interceptor library is used to intercept HTTP requests.

Advantages over conventional mocking approaches

  • No wrapper in the application code necessary – it can call the native fetch
  • The mock is completely seamless – the application behaves the same with and without mocks





Rendering Techniques supported by Next.js

  • Client Side Rendering (CSR)
  • Static Site Generation (SSG)
  • Server Side Rendering (SSR)

The Framework for React

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Code Splitting
  • File-based Routing
  • Built-in CSS Support
  • Image, Font & Script Optimization
  • Serverless Functions (API Routes)
  • Middleware (Request Interceptors)


Or: How to break out of virtual dom

Refs permit to obtain a reference to a real dom element


Automatically set focus on page load

There are alternatives such as using autofocus on the input field.

How to forward ref?

Does not work! – ref is a special prop (the other one is key)



The browserslist configuration controls the outputted JavaScript so that the emitted code will be compatible with the browsers specified.

Polyfills still need to be added manually!


  • Prettier
  • ESLint
  • React Developer Tools


Your code is always consistent, as is the code from the rest of your team. No more bikeshedding!

See it in action

Let's install it either locally npm i -D prettier or run it with npx prettier .

Add the plugin for your IDE VS Code , JetBrains , etc.

Prettier is heavily opinionated. Luckily there are a lot of options to customize it to your liking.

Add a .prettierrc.js file to your project:

                        module.exports = {
                            endOfLine: 'lf',
                            singleQuote: true,
                            trailingComma: 'all',
                            quoteProps: 'consistent',

Add an npm script to the package.json :

                        "scripts": {
                            "pretty": "prettier --write \"src/**/*.{js,json,

ESLint configuration

Multiple configurations and plugins can be configured in the extends field value.

If multiple configurations or plugins specify contradicting values for the same rule, the latter will be applied.

Rules can be overridden in the rules field value.

Class Components

Class components

  • are another way to write a component
  • must implement a render-method
  • can be enriched with lifecycle methods
  • May not contain React hooks
  • Are rarely used since the existence of functional components

Error Boundaries

Advanced Animation

One option: framer-motion

framer-motion Demo

Concurrent Features

Concurrent Features

  • New with React 18
  • Allows React to prepare a part of the UI in the background
  • Will mostly be used via libraries (in development)

React Server Components (RSC)

React Server Components (RSC)

  • Available in React (not yet nextjs)
  • Different from server-side rendering
  • Server components are never rendered on the client

→Eliminates roundtrips, reduces bundle size